Puppy training classes in Calgary

Welcome to our Puppy Training Classes in Calgary

Structured Learning Environment and Expert Guidance

Our puppy training classes in Calgary provide a structured environment, expert guidance, and a wealth of knowledge. While raising a puppy is rewarding, it’s not without it’s challenges. The journey can be disorienting, and filled with questions. Our puppy programs offer comprehensive support. The curriculums have been refined over 14 years and are created to empower owners with a multidimensional approach that matches the real-life demands of raising a puppy. We offer “Therapy Tots” for future therapy or service dogs (coming Fall 2024) and “Puppy Potential” for pet dogs. Join one of our highly educational classes to kickstart your journey on the right track with your puppy.

Two Distinct Training Tracks for Training Your Puppy

Puppy Potential

Puppy Potential offers structured learning and expert guidance for puppies 12 weeks and older, supporting owners in raising well-rounded family dogs. Housebreaking, crating, jumping, socialization, nipping, exercise, and leash training are all covered in our personalized sessions. Start on the path to a meaningful relationship with your new dog!

Therapy Tots

Therapy Tots offers structured learning and expert guidance for puppies 12 weeks and older, supporting owners pursuing future therapy dog or service dog certification. Housebreaking, crating, jumping, socialization, nipping, exercise, leash training are all covered, along with specialized skills tailored specifically to the needs of therapy dog and service dogs.